10 Light-Years to Insanity Read online

Page 20

  Millard Miller knew the Mentat’s cooperation was a double-edged sword. With the Mentat close to Conway it would be easier to keep tabs on the louse. Even though he was unpredictable, the information provided by Beth and the Mentat would help to checkmate every move Conway considered.

  The downside of taking the Mentat into their rebellion group was that nothing could be kept from him. The Mentat could read minds as easily as a Rheno beast could shed and grow a new horn. Millard knew he would have to be upfront with the Mentat on everything. It would be impossible to lie or tell half-truths. Hiding or sugar-coating information was out. Only straight-up, unadulterated facts were acceptable.

  The point of turning back on their allegiance passed when the Mentat sat down at the meeting table. From that point on they were comrades in rebellion. Their goal was simple. Keep Prefect Conway from upsetting the balance of power in the universe. The difficulty was anticipating Conway’s irrational behavior and fighting him on multiple fronts. Plus, his secret police were everywhere.

  “May I ask you a question, Mr. Miller?”

  “Of course. You are part of the brotherhood now. What’s on your mind?”

  “Is Beth loyal to our cause? Can we trust her?”

  Miller expected some tough questions from the Mentat but didn’t anticipate this one. It was a loaded question with several considerations. His answer wouldn’t be simple. It would be as complex as the question.

  “Before I answer, why do you ask?”

  “I’m not an expert on human behavior, but it seems to me that anyone who sells their body and mind as easily as Beth might do the same with their loyalty. Do you understand my concern, Secretary-General Miller?”

  “I understand completely. The only answer I can give you is that Beth hasn’t done or said anything to make me doubt her loyalty. However, she is a woman subject to emotions you and I don’t understand or experience. Can she be bought for a price? Frankly, I don’t know. My advice is to be cautious around her. Treat her like a poisonous viper you have raised from birth.”

  The Mentat detected no deception in Miller’s answer. In fact, the truth in his answer was flawless.

  “What do you need me to do?”

  “Now, nothing other than report on what Conway is doing and thinking. That would include anything about his son, the CASETA Agreement with Yanda and his new alliance with Florid.”

  The Mentat knew Miller’s answer was incomplete. It wasn’t dishonest, it was simply missing pertinent information. He waited to see if Miller would add the remaining facts.

  “Is there anything else, Secretary-General?”

  Miller knew he was backed into a corner. The Mentat was picking up on his partial answer. He now had a choice. Tell him the entire truth or delay the truth.

  “Sir, I appreciate your ability to know when I’m withholding information. That’s the case now. To be honest, I can’t tell you everything now. When the time comes, I promise to provide you with the remaining information. I’m sorry, but that’s the best I can do for now.”

  Miller’s explanation was straightforward and honest even if it didn’t plug all the holes. The Mentat had a choice. Either get up and quit the rebellion or accept Miller’s explanation. He decided to trust Miller and wait. He would give Miller a reasonable amount of time to divulge whatever he was withholding. If this veiled item continued to linger beyond a reasonable amount of time, he could always withdraw from the rebellion. At least, he hoped that was an option.

  “I will defer to your judgement, Secretary-General.”

  “Thank you. I promise to pass on the remaining information as soon as I can.”

  The Mentat began to get up from the table to leave even though he perceived something else on the Secretary-General’s mind. Leaving a meeting abruptly was one tactic Mentats used to get more information. Most beings spoke whatever was on their minds rather than let a trusted Mentat leave a meeting in haste.

  “Sir, there is one other thing I need to tell you.”

  The Mentat pretended to be surprised and sat back down in his chair.

  “I have sent an assassin to Alpha 30 to deal with Prefect Conway’s kid. He should arrive there within a couple hours.”

  The Mentat concealed his surprise even though he was somewhat shocked. He had no idea Conway’s kid was alive. This was the first he heard that the kid survived the explosion and wasn’t blown to bits in a deep space. Prefect Conway doubted his son’s death from the first reports of the explosion. But that was sheer conjecture which obviously wasn’t speculation any longer.

  “Our source at the Yandan palace told us that Joseph Conway checked in at Alpha 30 which is a medical depot. The kid is quite ill. I was hoping to get lucky and the kid would not survive the epidemic, but I’ve been told he will recover. Now, I must take matters into my own hands.”

  Miller paused for a moment trying to get an idea of whether this was new or old news for the Mentat. It was no use. The Mentat had a poker face and didn’t make any movements which might indicate what he did or did not know.

  “Did you know Conway’s kid was still alive?”

  “I did not, Secretary-General. I did know Prefect Conway was withholding vital information but didn’t know what it was. The problem with the Prefect is that he is always withholding information from me. Also, he won’t field any questions so it’s impossible to determine what he is withholding. The only time he gives up information is when he gets mad and blurts out what is on his mind. At times, he will be careless with his thoughts when he is around Beth.”

  “Well, you know now. Keep tuned in to Conway for more information about his son. As I said, you should hear soon what my assassin does to the kid.”


  Beth and Prefect Conway were having a quaint morning chat over Fuchi and pastries. It was unusual for Conway to sit and talk with her after sex. Normally, he bolted from the bedroom and sprinted to his office to plot havoc and chaos throughout the universe. Planning the takedown of the Yandan empire was his true sexual release. Beth was only a fill-in.

  “Beth, can you keep a secret?”

  She rolled her eyes and said, “I can’t believe you asked that, Honey Nuts.”

  He could see the irritation under her smile so he backtracked quickly. “Okay, okay, I was kidding. But you have to promise to keep this a secret.”

  He waited for her to agree but she continued to stare a hole into him. She wasn’t going to agree to anything more this morning. Sex was enough.

  “My son, Joseph, is alive. Isn’t that great?”

  The bite of pastry in Beth’s mouth almost flew out. She took a quick sip of Fuchi to flush the pastry down before choking on it.

  “How do you know that? I thought he was killed in an explosion.”

  “It doesn’t matter how I know, I just do. He’s on a medical depot planet getting treated for the epidemic. I knew the SOB was too smart to get blown up by a terrorist or rogue interceptor. And, there was no way his transport accidentally imploded with that much force. I’ll tell you, Beth. He’s a pain-in-the-ass but smart as hell. He's exactly like his old man.”

  Beth acted mildly interested. If she acted very interested and asked a bunch of questions, Conway would get suspicious. She took another bite of pastry and sip from the Fuchi cup. She held herself back from racing over to the Cannis dispenser and taking a couple hits. It would be easier stomaching this terrible news if she were high.

  “Is he going to get well?”

  “My sources tell me he will definitely recover, but I’m going to make sure he gets home safe and sound.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I sent someone after him. He needs to get to Earth quick. It will be good for his health and I need him.”

  Beth gave Honey Nuts a weak smile as he got up to leave the room.

  “You have a wonderful day, Bethie.” Conway leaned over and gave her a peck on the cheek.

  Beth sat at the table dumbfounded as she watched him strut from the bedr
oom. She didn’t know whether to cry, laugh or puke. He was so elated by the news he called her Bethie. She had warned him once before never to call her that. Now she would have to punish him somehow. Withholding sex for a couple weeks always worked well.

  Finding out that Prefect Conway’s brat kid was still alive ruined her day. She had a severe headache and thought about going back to bed. But duty called. She needed to pass this information on to Millard Miller. He would be her first stop of the day. Good old Miller would know what to do. He was a clever guy who could figure out how this news affected the group’s plan to overthrow Prefect Conway.


  “Do you have to hold that vap pistol so damn hard against my shell? I’m not going to run away. I can hardly walk.”

  The enforcer took the vap pistol off Morg’s shell. From one to two inches from his back, the pistol could put Morg down before he took one step in the wrong direction.

  “Remember Yandan, the pistol is still close enough to put a big hole in you. So, don’t try anything stupid. Understand?”

  “Yeah, I understand.” Morg took a few more steps before asking another question.

  “What did the Earthling do on Feltte Six to get you two so ticked off?”

  The enforcer debated whether he should answer or not. He didn’t owe the Yandan an explanation but talking might draw less attention and help them blend into the crowd.

  “He was a bad boy. He didn’t dispose of a few corpses. In fact, you are guilty of that violation too.”

  “What do you mean, I didn’t kill anyone?”

  “True, but you are responsible for the kills your buddy made.”

  “How can I be responsible? I didn’t know he killed anyone.”

  “That’s your problem, Yandan. You arrived on Feltte Six with him, so he was your responsibility. You were told the rules at the reception center.”

  The enforcer was right, but the rule didn’t make sense. How could a being be responsible for something he didn’t know about? So much for the ancient axiom, ignorance is bliss.

  “So, what is the penalty for this ghastly crime?”

  “Up to and including death. And, I can do without your sarcasm, Yandan.”

  Morg could only shake his head in disbelief. There was no use debating with the enforcer.

  “That’s one hell of a regulation you have. By the way, who did the Earthling kill?”

  “Athlon mercenaries.”

  Morg froze. The enforcer was looking around when Morg stopped walking. He bounced off the larger Yandan and caught himself at the last second before taking a tumble. Morg didn’t know how close he came to a vap hole in his back. The enforcer could have easily squeezed the trigger on the vap pistol by mistake.

  Morg thought about calling the enforcer a liar, but deep down he knew the revelation was correct. It explained how Crex, Blex, and Stex fell off the grid one-by-one. It also explained how the Earthling avoided three trained assassins gunning for him. The kid had turned the tables on the mercenaries and made them his prey.

  Morg couldn’t understand how three professional killers could fall victim to a twerp like the Earthling. They were in better physical condition and had years of experience hunting together like a pack of Beltrini wolves. There was only one possible explanation. The kid was smarter. He used intelligence to outwit his pursuers.

  “Move ahead, Yandan.”

  Morg started walking again. It was another fifty steps before he asked, “Is that all he did on Feltte Six?”

  “No, your little friend thought it would be fun to burn down a brothel and kill one of my brother enforcers.”

  Finally, here was the crime which got the enforcers upset enough to travel across the universe to hunt down the kid. Morg didn’t bother to say anything. The kid was dead if these enforcers got to him. And, they wouldn’t think twice about taking out the Yandan escort too.

  “What are your plans for the Earthling?”

  “We’re taking him back to Feltte Six for judgement. But, if he gives us a tough time, he might not make it there.”

  Both enforcers chuckled under their breath. Morg knew what that meant. These two had no intention of taking the kid any further than a remote field to kill him.

  “I shouldn’t tell you this, but the Earthling is under Yandan diplomatic protection. You harm him, and you’ll have to answer to the Yandan Trifect.”

  “We’re not going to worry about the Trifect. What they don’t know can’t hurt us.”

  Morg knew he had to figure out a way to get rid of these two. They were out for blood and nothing was going to stop them. He thought the best opportunity to take out the enforcers was in the recovery ward. The place was a chaotic circus. Beings scurried every which way, bumping into each other and stumbling over fixtures. With luck, something would happen to attract the enforcer’s attention for a fraction of a second. That’s all Morg needed to neutralize these two buffoons. If something didn’t occur by happenstance, then he would take a chance and attack.

  “I’d give anything to know what they are talking about.”

  “Do you think we dare get closer and try to listen?”

  “No, better not. We’ll keep a safe distance. Did you see how Morg stopped dead in his tracks? Something the Feltte enforcer said got to him.”

  The female Athlon mercenary on the floatation gurney grunted in agreement. At the next hallway corner, she would switch places with her sister. Pushing the gurney would give her a better surveillance view of Morg and his captors.

  As they walked along, Morg had time to think back to all the bizarre things the Earthling did on Feltte Six. It now made sense why he dressed up as a redhead female to board the transport. The authorities were after him and only a disguise could get him on the ship. Then, he was in such a hurry to leave the planet. And, when the Feltte Six Interceptors appeared, he begged Morg to destroy them with Thermax projectiles. Yes, the kid was a felon on the lam and his past was catching up with him.

  Morg thought he saw the entrance to the recovery ward fifty-yards ahead. As they drew closer, he could read the large sign above the entrance door; “RECOVERY WARD C”. He knew there were less than ten minutes to make something happen. It had to be something favorable which would get him and the kid out of the jam they were in.

  His hope for a momentary distraction happened as they entered the recovery ward. Halfway down the main aisle, on the right side of the ward, Morg saw a cluster of beings gathered around a recovery cot. The cot was exactly where Morg left the kid. He guessed the group size at a dozen beings. There were a couple doctors and two or three assistants. Other than the hospital personnel, Morg had no idea who the others were. With his acute hearing, Morg could tell these beings were arguing. He couldn’t hear individual words, but the tone of their argument was combative. At one point, a non-medical being pushed a doctor away in disgust. Two other beings came to the doctor’s aid and a small ruckus of pushing and shoving broke out.

  The two enforcers talked to each other between sneezing and wiping gunk from their eyes. In the brief time they were at Morg’s back, their health deteriorated. Morg didn’t think they were aware of this change. Also, they had no idea they were being led into a physical altercation. Morg’s odds were increasing. Maybe a good old-fashioned brawl was all he needed to shake off the crazed Feltte Six killers.

  Within thirty yards of the kid’s cot, Morg could hear every word bantered back and forth between the antagonists. The gist of their argument was whether the kid was well enough to leave the recovery ward. The doctors and assistants insisted he was too ill to leave. They were backed by a couple of hospital security guards. The remaining beings in the group were Earthlings who demanded to have the kid released. One Earthling claimed to represent the kid’s father, Prefect Conway. The other Earthling didn’t identify himself.

  In the midst of the argument, Morg heard the kid make a couple comments. His voice was weak and hard to pick out, but it was him. At times, he wanted to leave the ward with an Earthl
ing. Then he changed his mind and was too weak to leave. Morg couldn’t see the kid but could tell he was still dazed.

  Before the Feltte Six enforcers knew what happened, Morg walked them into the middle of the argument. The two female Athlon mercenaries who were close on their heels couldn’t help themselves. When they lost sight of Morg, they marched into the small mob like flying insects to a bright light at night.

  Morg separated from the enforcers and went to the kid’s bedside. Even though the kid was awake and sitting up, it was obvious he was still quite ill. He was as white as a ghost and his bleary eyes showed little interest in his situation. He was in no condition to travel anywhere.

  “Earthling, can you hear me? It’s Morg. Can you understand me?”

  The Earthling slowly turned his head around to look at Morg. A slight twinkle lit his eyes when he saw Morg. He opened his mouth to say something. Morg leaned close to hear his words over the shouting and screaming happening around the cot.

  “Morg, who are these beings?”

  “It doesn’t matter. I’ll explain later. Listen closely, kid. Are you listening?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I hear you Morg.”

  Morg whispered in the kid’s ear, “When the fighting starts, roll off the cot and lay flat on the ground. Do you understand?”

  Morg didn’t have a chance to hear the kid’s answer. The argument around the cot escalated to a full-scale brawl. Threats, accusations, and foul-mouth descriptions flew around the circle. Each adversary claimed authority over the Earthling. They took turns demanding the others leave immediately. Everyone stood their ground. Yelling turned to screaming, pushing led to thrown punches. It was a free-for-all with each assailant turning on the others.